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Half Moon Bay Bike Preview

  • Sat, April 27, 2019
  • 7:15 AM
  • 2 Johnson Pier, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

Registration is closed

Head down to Half Moon Bay to preview the bike course for both the Sprint and Olympic distances w/Ambassador Madi K! **If you need a ride, let me (Madi) know! I can take 2-3 others  240-672-4459** 

Meet in the parking lot by Half Moon Bay Kayak Co.

We will ride the Sprint course at 7:30am (meet at 7:15), and then head out for the Olympic course at 8:30. 

Yes, it's early :), but we learned from last year that Highway 1 gets tricky with a bunch of traffic and as always, safety first! 

If you're racing the Sprint, meet at 7:15 for your ride, and then do a run afterwards along the Sprint course!

If you're doing the Oly, you can either meet at 7:15 and ride the Sprint course as a warmup or for some extra time in the saddle before we ride the Oly course, or just meet at 8:15. After we're done with the Oly course you can get in a transition run along the Oly course.

Course maps here:

Bring snacks, water, flat kit, etc!

Golden Gate Triathlon Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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