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Golden Gate Triathlon Club (GGTC) is the oldest and largest triathlon club in the San Francisco Bay Area. GGTC welcomes all athletes regardless of ability, experience level, and skill level. Our club includes beginners who have never done a triathlon to experienced long-distance racers. And everything in between! In short, we are a group of fun loving, hard training, socializing multisport athletes --- come join us!

Email with questions or for more information.

Membership Dues

Membership dues are only $170 / year (full calendar year from the day you sign up). We are a not-for-profit, so your dues go directly towards making your GGTC experience more valuable through professional training, social events, discounts, and more. Check out our membership benefits below.

Benefits included with GGTC Membership:

Professionally-Coached Workouts

We offer four professionally-coached workouts each week for our members, including:

  • Wednesday night track with Coach Mario Fraioli
  • Thursday and Sunday master swims sessions with Coach John Dahlz
  • Bike workouts with Coach Jaffa Prince (check calendar for day depending on time of year)

Our calendar is also full of workouts led by our board, ambassador team and general membership, from weekend bikes rides to early morning trail runs.

Race Discounts

We work with race directors to secure discounts for a variety different races/distances. Discounts range from $15 to $50 per race. It only takes a few select races to cover the cost of your GGTC membership!

Sponsor Discounts

GGTC is honored to have an elite group of gear and service sponsors, including Roka, A Runner’s Mind, Renew PT, Zealios, and many more, with discounts ranging from 10-30% off or more.

 Access to Coached Training Programs

Our Short Distance, Long Distance, and Women Tri Together training programs offer our members access to some of the best triathlon coaches in the Bay Area. Our coaches are here to ensure that you get the most out of your triathlon experience. Coached training programs are paid separate from the base membership.

 Clinics and Workshops

Clinic topics include bike skills workshops, and swimming and running clinics with coaches. Check out our calendar for workout and event announcements. Workouts led by a coach may have a per-session discounted charge, which helps defray the cost of the coach’s fees.

 Active Slack Community

Connect with your fellow members via sport, race, and interest specific channels.

Weekly Newsletters

A great newsletter highlighting club news, race results, clinics and more will land in your inbox every Tuesday morning.

Social Events

A big part of GGTC is the social aspect. We have a lot of fun events going on all year round, from Happy Hours to our annual training weekend (which is a bit like summer camp for grown-ups).

Be Part Of Our Community:

Camaraderie is one of the key benefits of your membership. From finding new training partners and making new and lifelong friends, to cheering on teammates at that big race, you’ll find that GGTC fosters a truly supportive atmosphere in which you can achieve your fitness goals. Supporting our fellow members and wearing our team uniform is an immense source of pride for us!

Email Margarita Krivitski at with questions or for more information.

How to Join

Sign up instantly, click below!


Some of Our 2024 Sponsors

And More To Come »

Race Discounts

And More To Come »

Golden Gate Triathlon Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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