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Use Ride with GPS Routes with Strava / Garmin

We frequently get questions about how to download routes from Ride with GPS (RWGPS) to a Garmin, Wahoo, Hammerhead or Coros account. You can do this on the free RWGPS account, a paid account is not required.

To do so, follow these steps:

How to link strava / sync routes to your bike computer?

Simply sync your strava to your bike computer and it'll download a route automatically when you “Star” it or edit and save or duplicate an existing route. Some of the premium features require a subscription with Strava, including creating your own route in the app or downloading the raw GPX file to create your own route.

  1. Enable Courses permission

    On the Garmin Connect website, go to Account Information, then Account Settings, and enable the Courses toggle. You can also enable this permission in the Garmin Connect mobile app by going to More, then Settings, then Connected Apps, then Strava.

  2. Star or Save routes

    In Strava, you can star or save routes from the Maps tab or your profile page. If a route is already starred or saved, you can unstar or unsave it, then star or save it again. (Only starred routes get transferred to your computer.)

  3. Sync with Garmin Connect

    Sync your device with the Garmin Connect mobile app or Garmin Express software.

  4. Check for synced routes

    Synced routes will appear in the Courses folder on your Garmin device.

    * If you pay for a Strava subscription, you can create your own routes from scratch or upload a GPX file (which you can export from Ride with GPS and other services.)

Using your phone instead of a computer?

You can use Strava and other sites to navigate routes with your phone (and mount your phone), but it really sucks the battery out and is not sustainable for longer rides. Additionally, you will notice that Strava for phones does not give you turn by turn directions or help you navigate automatically and can be distracting and possibly unsafe. You can consider another service like Komoot, which does give you turn by turn directions on the phone for rides and runs. It can be synched easily to Strava, etc as well. It does involve some regional subscriptions as well.

Additional Resources:

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