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Big City Loop

  • Sat, February 06, 2021


  • Let me know where you will join and how far you'd like to do.

Registration is closed

Run with Ambassador James for as much as you like of his giant loop around the city.

Starting 9:30am from the corner of Stanyan and Twin Peaks Blvd. Encircling the city!

Coffee and Lunch Stops.


- Ensure all members comply with the 6ft social distancing requirements.

- Please respect social distancing requirements. This means 6ft between members. We know we have not seen each other for too long. But the rule means no hugs, no kisses, no handshakes, no high fives.

- We will do our best to limit the number of stops we take and will do our best to stop where there is limited crowd. In the event we stop for coffee or food, be ready to have your own mask or face covering cloth. 

- Members are required to bring their own water, sunscreen and personal food. Sharing food or passing items around is not allowed. Lending a face mask is also not a good practice.

- If you feel sick, please do not come. We love to share a lot of things together but if there is one thing we don’t want you to share it is the virus. Technically we are required to send you home if you show any symptoms. Practically, we count on you to stay home.

Golden Gate Triathlon Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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