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Jogging the Embarcadero!


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Do you ever see those runners on the Embarcadero in their brightly colored workout gear, weaving through the crowds of tourists, sweat dripping down their brow...wish that were you, but just need some motivation? Well, that's what we're here for! Join us for a run and take in all the gorgeous views that the SF skyline has to offer on this 6 miles out-and-back route of the Embarcadero!

Start time is 6:30am from the Rincon Park (Cupid's Span)


Things to bring: Mask/Buff.

Do not come if you are sick, have tested positive, or have been in recent contact with someone who has.

Andrey - 5307449099

Golden Gate Triathlon Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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