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[Bike] A Spicy Morning Bun


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If there's two things that I love about cycling, it's long climbs and excessive intake of carbohydrates. Get your fill of both on this unorthodox route to our beloved Bovine Bakery! Starting at the GGB Welcome Center, we will work our way through Mill Valley, Four Corners, and the Pantoll Ranger Station on a steady climb upwards. Ridgecrest Blvd will mark our high point as we turn left and descend to Highway 1 via Seven Sisters and BoFax road. We then continue north along the coast until we reach a well deserved break in Pt. Reyes Station! After refueling, we'll turn south and head back to the city via Samuel P. Taylor & Fairfax.

This is an advanced semi-drop ride, with occasional regroups but no long waits. Pace is expected to average appx 15-17 mph for the total ride.

WHAT TO BRING: Helmet, proper attire (check the forecast!), nutrition, water, tools for mechanical issues, eager legs, smiles!

Want to join from the Marin side of the bridge? We can meet at Mike's Bikes! Contact Ambassador Nick (484-401-4294 or @nick on Slack) and be ready to roll by 7:55am in the parking lot.

Golden Gate Triathlon Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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