Pt. Reyes Station
Join VP Andy and Ambassadors Angela and Michelle on a drop ride to Point Reyes Station! We'll have a fast group (led by Andy) and a moderate group (led by Angela and Michelle). Make sure to take note of the average flat ground speed below so you know which group you should join. We'll keep things moving to Point Reyes (that means no coffee stop at Fairfax) where we'll hang for a bit before heading back home.
Note - For anyone training for Spring races, this is a great opportunity to get back on your TT bike or spend some time on your aero bars (safely of course!)
Where/When: GGB Welcome Center @ 8:00 AM or Mikes Bikes @8:30 AM
Distance: ~70 mi
Elevation gained: 3400 ft
Drop factor: Drop (wondering what this means?)
Avg. flat ground speed: Fast (17-19 mph) and Moderate (14-16 mph) see RIDE RATING SYSTEM
Check the GGTC bike page for more information about Ride Essentials & GGTC Ride Rules. Reach out to Andy, Angela, or Michelle on Slack with any questions!